Behavior Analysis Reform for Companions
Thank You!

With sincere gratitude, BARC would like to thank the following individuals and/or agencies for their selfless contribution(s) to BARC and the shared mission:
Athens County Dog Shelter: (ACDS): Detective Gillette, Bud, Anne, Heather. (www.athenssheriff.com/dog-shelter)
Friends Of Shelter Dogs and all Volunteers: (fosdathens.com)
Jacque Rock: Devoted Volunteer, ACDS
Tina Scott: Devoted Volunteer, ACDS
Erin Brown: Off-Site Training Accommodations
Sarah Holey-Schwartz: Logo Artist (sarah.holey@gmail.com)
Brian Koscho: Graphic Designer (briankoscho@gmail.com), (briankoscho.com)
Linda Andrews: Photographer (Petfinder Page)
Wendy Stallsmith Wilson: Photographer, Photos on this website Homepage (www.wswphotography.com), (wendy@wswphotography.com)
Mary Connolly-Starkey: Videographer of In-Town Adventures (mearybird@gmail.com)
Friendly Paws Pets Supplies & Grooming: Grooming, Donations, Ongoing Collaboration (www.friendlypawspetsupply.com)
Big Thank you for the Ongoing Support of: My Family, Kelsey McDonough, Lindsay Pattison, Sam Weiland & Sara Schumm (www.bodyshopandspa.com)