Behavior Analysis Reform for Companions

What is BARC?
BARC is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization that provides support to the dogs in the Athens County Dog Shelter by utilizing positive behavioral methods and technologies to capture, shape and target preferred behaviors and teach replacement or alternate behaviors to those that are problematic in nature or situation. BARC upholds the belief that positive reinforcement is the tool for behavior change and values the power in providing control and choice-making opportunities to the dogs as appropriate and safe.
In addition to the Athens County Dog Shelter, BARC also has a collaborative partnership with Friends of the Shelter Dogs (FOSD), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that also provides assistance to the dogs in the Athens County Dog Shelter by providing veterinary support for sick and injured dogs, spaying and neutering, rescue operations and the promotion of the dogs in the shelter.
More information about FOSD can be found here:

BARC's Mission:
Behavior Analysis Reform for Companions provides technological hands-on training and consultation to local animal shelters/agencies on evidence based positive behavioral methods within the science of behaviorism for animals (dogs, etc.), to decrease rates of euthanasia and surrenders back to the shelter due to behaviors and situations that hinder sustainable adoption.
Sponsor A Dog! The Shelter is nearly Full and BARC is utilizing the alternative training site!
Sponsor a Dog for a Day or Week!
Some dogs have been in the Shelter for an extended period of time and/or have shown regression in self-control/coping due to environmental stressors within the Shelter environment.
While BARC largely works within the Athens County Dog Shelter environment, some dogs respond and progress more quickly and consistently when there is a change in environment. The Athens County Dog Shelter, Friends of the Shelter Dogs and BARC work collaboratively to identify which dogs would benefit from a different setting allowing more intensive and frequent teaching sessions (based on less dogs, distractions, access to space, location).
The off-site training facility is an established and operating Boarding Kennel (Windy Ridge Kennel (WRK, 6687 Bateman Lane, Athens) and provides space for indoor and outdoor teaching sessions. BARC pays WRK $21/Day to board each dog. This adds up quickly!
For a donation of $147 you can sponsor a dog for a week (or $21 a day) which includes boarding costs and the analytical design and individualized implementation of a behavior plan that serves to improve the dog's quality of life and the preferred skills that will assist in a successful adoption and forever home.
Check out Donate/Shop tab for additional needs
Adoptable dogs
$125 Adoption Fee!
This includes Spay/Neuter, Rabies, Heartworm test, 5:1 Booster, Bordetella, Deworming, and a County Dog License.
BARC Day at Jackie O's Taproom - The first Saturday of each month; 12-2PM. Come to Jackie O's Taproom to meet an adoptable dog, make a donation to BARC and receive a t-shirt/sticker and enjoy a local and sustainable beverage!
Body Shop and Spa Fundraiser - Date TBD
The generous owner of Body Shop and Spa (Sara Schumm) will host a fundraiser to raise funds for items BARC needs for future enrichment in the shelter environment. To check out services provided at Body Shop and Spa visit: HOME | Bodyshopandspa